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私のコンセプト 私の生き方

執筆者の写真: MALMAL



人は、与えられた時間に限りがあることを意識することにより自分の存在を知り本当の自分の人生を生きることができる。そしてまた人の心はストローク(= 存在認知)がないと生きていけない。「存在認知」をコンセプトに、写真と心理学の専門的知識と技術を用いて撮影する私のポートレートは、そのきっかけとお手伝いをするものである。




それが今取り組んでいる「 Being and Time in Flowers」になります。



「 Being and Time in Flowers」





しかしながら私のポートレート撮影でのコンセプトである「存在認知/ストローク」や「純粋性/自己一致」の本質は変わることなく、それそのものを「花」に置き換えたのが「Being and Time in Flowers」である。




記事: フォトグラファー MAL / 丸本祐佐

【My Concept My Life】

For me as a Japanese, instead of using and expressing energy like a frontier or an adventurer who goes out, I go inside myself, find a small little inner universe, and have it now. I like exploration, expression and expression methods that inject all the energy I have into it.

One of them is "existence recognition / stroke" which is my concept of portrait photography, and the outline is as follows.

A person can know his existence and live his true life by being aware that the time given is limited. And again, the human mind cannot live without a stroke (= recognition of existence). With the concept of "existence recognition", my portrait, which is taken using photography and psychology expertise and techniques, is a catalyst and a help.

In the case of the concept of "existence recognition / stroke" in portraits with "people" as the subject, the depiction and expression are to make the subjects feel "awareness" of their "existence". I am making efforts, starting from throwing a positive stroke on the subject from the stage before shooting, and the conscious stroke (existence recognition) continues from the shooting process to the point where the subject himself looks at the photo. To go.

Furthermore, if the subject himself decorates the portrait in the living room or room, or puts it in a smartphone or iPhone and carries it around, the portrait can give the subject himself a positive stroke on a daily basis.

In the concept of portrait photography for people, I used psychological skills to prioritize the subject, but by making it a little more philosophical than "existence recognition / stroke", I made myself project. I was able to derive it from the concept for creating works.

That is the "Being and Time in Flowers" that we are currently working on.

I will write a little about that as well.

Second concept

"Being and Time in Flowers"

Flowers know their existence.

You need to be aware of time to know your existence, and you need to be aware that the time given to you is limited.

Therefore, Hana knows her role and way of life and devotes all of her energy to that limited time.

Originally I wanted to express it through portraits, "people" that I have been portraying for over 30 years, but I am also a person who has as much time as the person who is the subject, and I give it. Because of the limited time available, he thought it impossible to follow from the beginning to the end of his existence, so he changed the subject from a person to a flower.

However, the essence of "existence recognition / stroke" and "purity / self-match", which are the concepts in my portrait photography, has not changed, and "Being and Time in Flowers" has replaced itself with "flowers". Is.

For the past few years, my shooting style has been to consciously keep the mental distance from the person who is the subject, not to put my emotions and sensibilities on the side of the photograph into the photograph, but to obediently the existence of the subject itself. I tried to depict it and expressed a portrait for the subject to face himself and derive awareness, but in this creative activity, while simply portraying the existence of the flower that is the subject, he has lived for 55 years. Now that I've been here, I'm thinking of trying to project my very existence and purity there.

However, there are so many pictures of "flowers" in the world, and I don't know if I can take pictures of flowers that I have never seen before while following this concept.

It seems that trial and error will continue for a while, but I also feel that it is a happy situation where I know my "existence" in my own "time" and live my life. ..

Article: Photographer MAL / Yusuke Marumoto

存在、時間、花、存在認知、ストローク、コンセプト、心理学とポートレート、フォトグラファー MAL、
Being and Time in Flowers ©︎MAL


© Photographer MAL 1990-2025 by Marumoto Yusuke

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